Sanger sequence analysis

Tools for analyzing Sanger sequences on PipeBio

Sanger sequences of antibodies with chromatograms, annotated CDR and FR regions, amino acids and heterozygous bases identified

How to analyze Sanger sequences

Trim, assemble forward and reverse read chromatograms, detect heterozygous peaks, annotate, edit and align sequences

Sanger sequence quality control, assembly, variant calling

  • Detect double peaks (heterozygous base calls) and edit nucleotide bases
  • Assemble Sanger sequences sequenced with forward and reverse primers
  • Detect SNPs from cloning or synthethization
  • Compares parent with antibody clone by  multiple sequence alignment to reference
Sanger sequences of antibodies with chromatograms, heterozygous bases identified and variant calling of SNPs between a parent sequence and cloned sequence

Automate Sanger sequence analysis

  • Import .ab1 files
  • Assemble chromatograms of your forward and reverse read Sanger sequences or detect double peaks
  • Annotate Sanger sequences (IgG, VHH, scFv)
  • Pair heavy and light chains of IgGs
  • Align Sanger sequences, visualize clonal families and phylogeny
  • Add functional assay data for binding affinity, antigen specificity and more
  • Overlay sequences with metadata and hit-pick for DNA synthesis
A flowchart of steps for Sanger sequencing analysis on PipeBio