
Analyzing NGS or Sanger sequences from biopanning and phage display experiments on PipeBio

Identifying enriched sequences from biopanning

Steps for finding enriched clones between multiple biopanning rounds

Annotation and quality control

  • PipeBio’s annotation engine detects sequences with frameshifts, stop codons or missing regions
  • You can create summary reports of the imported and analyzed NGS samples
  • You can quickly filter the sequences in the Status dashboard and discard sequences with sequencing errors from subsequent analysis
Summary report of sequencing quality of all NGS biopanning samples on and status pie chart of one NGS sample showing correct and incorrect sequences and sequencing errors on PipeBio

Cluster and compare multiple samples

  • You can cluster across multiple regions and determine the amino acid identity for cluster sequence similarity
  • Use charts to see the largest clusters in the samples
  • Easily identify which sequence clusters are most enriched across biopanning rounds
Image showing clustering on CDR-H1, CDR-H2, CDR-H3 regions, a bar chart with the top 20 largest clusters and a plot with the 30 clusters with largest changes across biopanning rounds

Differentially enriched antibodies

  • Easily identify which antibody sequence clusters are most enriched across biopanning rounds on the Volcano Plot
  • PipeBio calculates the normalized fold change between panning rounds and allows sample comparison across multiple rounds to show statistically significant clonal enrichment (p-value threshold)
  • Visualize sample overlap and filter by clicking on interactive charts
Volcano plot showing most enriched antibody sequences in a biopanning experiment and a venn diagram showing NGS sample overlap from biopanning experiment on PipeBio bioinformatics platform